My dad has always been the kind to "see what's over the next hill". Sometimes this can turn into a fun adventure, and sometimes (mostly for teenagers that just want to get back to their phone or computer) this can be such a pain. I've always been (at least I think I have) the more adventurous kind as far as viewing wildlife so I would love these drives.
With Dad being stuck in Arizona and Mom me being blessed enough to be in Idaho, we have really felt his absence. So in honor of living in such a majestic place and missing Dad we decided to go for a ride. Dad always calls this "going chasin'". Here's just a little taste of some of the beauty we got to see. A picture is worth a thousand words, and sadly, my camera still does not do it justice, but you'll get the idea. :)
This cotton is growing right out of this tree! I know this is not new for many of you, but I'm used to cacti. I think this is so beautiful :) |
I looked out the window and what did I see! |
While we were driving I could see, out of my peripheral, something large land in a tree. I calmly hollered for Mom to stop. STOP. STOP! And back up and she graciously obliged. Unfortunately, I also hollered for her to stop backing up and just as she did so, my prize took flight. But I was quick with my finger and still got a shot of her :)
This is a real-life pheasant!!! I know they used to be quite common around here and everyone's hunted them, eaten them, and got the feathers to prove it. But I've never seen one. |
She was beautiful. I couldn't get over how large she was. After she took off her mate flew out of a neighboring bush. I didn't get near as good of a look at him, but just to see him for a second and know he was near by was a thrill for this suburban bird nerd :)
As we continued our ride we just kept seeing more and more beautiful landscape. I couldn't get over the colors and the textures. I can see now why Mom was always so inspired to paint when she lived here before. I can see now how accurate and perfect her paintings are. She is incredibly talented. I know I'm not alone when I say how much I hope she picks up her brushes again. There is still so much more to be recorded from this land.
There was no way my camera could pick up the colors as they were. A painter could do a lot better, but use your imagination. The blue of the sky. The gold of the grasses and weeds. The green of the shrubbery. Even the touches of purple, gray, off-white. It's a masterpiece in itself. |
These fields were so funny. The whole time we were approaching them we kept saying how they looked like a quilt |
Some day I want to try to make a quilt inspired by this scene. I've seen it done before and I love it. Now that I'm here and see it all the time I might just finally get the motivation to do it :) |
These guys get to live right here! Tucked in the hills just below the quilt field. These are some lucky horses :) |
Even they can't decide on which color best suites this occasion :) |
Isn't she a sweet girl :) Almost makes me consider being a vegetarian...almost. |
During one of our stops I walked down the road a little bit and caught a little movement. I finally spotted these two way down this overgrown lane. They blended right in. I don't think Mom ever knew they were there. |
Isn't she cute :) She loves her camera. She's good with it too. Not only does she take fantastic photos, but she's religious about updating her blog. She shares her photos and her stories and herself with everyone. She is amazing. |
I've already mentioned the colors of this country, but there is nothing prettier than trees in the fall. They say some years winter comes so fast that they don't get to see the colors. I think we're blessed this year that we're having such an enjoyable fall. I'm anxious for the snow and the bitter cold, but this is so great!!! |
I can't get over the colors! The sky is so blue here! There's not smog and crap everywhere. The sun is brighter, yet it hurts my eyes less. I'm not sure how that works...must be the latitude...or longitude...whichever. |
I'd do anything for a horse right here...with a saddle...and me on it :) That's something I'm really looking forward to to find someone with horses..... |
Not the snow melt off and waterfalls of Juneau, but very sweet and quaint, and well, perfect for here :) |
No fishes right here, but I'd still like to have a pole with me :) |
After taking the last shot I noticed a couple of cows up the road. They had been staring at us for awhile as we shot our cameras. But at this moment they started mooing and getting a little more aggravated. Then they began to multiply...........
Oddly enough I wasn't even nervous to see a herd of cows headed straight for me. They were moving quickly, but calmly. There was obviously some order to this little mob. |
Then "order" came around the curve and I started to get butterflies in my tummy. Each day I live here I have a "Hollywood" moment. I keep thinking "any minute John Wayne is going to appear and I'll here the score playing". But this is real life! I'm really here!!! From seeing sage hens in my yard, to pheasants on a drive, to real life this.....
That, ladies and gentlemen, is a true cowboy. He's calling to his dogs and his cows and he's really doing it. It was incredible to watch. |
As those cows got closer I got totally giddy to see them. Check out this gal with the horns! She was lovely!
Then said cowboy and his companion, cowboy #2 got closer. I was excited before just to see a couple of real life cowboys really moving a herd of cows. But these weren't just old working cowboys...these were young, GORGEOUS cowboys! I'm kicking me and Mom for not getting a good shot of their faces. I'm serious. These were guys I would take a double take at no matter where I was - grocery store, library, farmers market, street. Yeah. S.E.X.Y. And they were chaps........I gotta take a break.
They totally warrent a larger space :) This isn't really a bad view either, come to think of it :D |
Once we mopped up our drool and got our quivering legs back into the car we were on to another crazy site. This is another shot that my camera wouldn't pick up how it was in reality. But you'll kind of get the idea.
The previous night was our first freeze. This shot was taken in late afternoon. And yet this little plot of land, with the never ending sprinkler running (why there's a sprinkler running non stop in the middle of nowhere is beyond me) is still frozen over. You can see the spray of the sprinkler as it makes its round, but the more fascinating thing to observe are the thickly frozen blades of grass. |
Tucked into some trees was this little tent. There appears to be a witch hiding out here. No doubt getting ready for Halloween. :) Actually, it's really just a burned up stump! It's perfect though. |
This little girl was off on her own away from her mates. At first she was standing sort of awkward and just staring at us. She reminded us a lot of Ivy :) |
I haven't even checked out all the shots she got yet. I bet hers are similar, but better than mine ;) |
So while my dad has normally been the one to initiate going on rides, this is one time that I was so grateful my mom made the suggestion and pulled me out of the house. She is so inspired. Today was no different. I still can't believe all the things we were able to see this day. They're happening every single day. And yet if I would have saw them the day before or the day after they would have been so different, or not even visible. So thank you, Mom. Today we were blessed because you took the initiative. I love you. :)